New Webhost
GargStudios now has a new webhost located in Australia rather than overseas. The site should load up much faster now.
Any problems, just let me know.
Any problems, just let me know.
Posted on 18 Oct 2010 by Willmaker
Server downtime
Due to a hardware fault, both the SvenCoop and Garrysmod servers will be down. Its estimated to be down for 1-3 days while I wait for parts to arrive.
Posted on 03 May 2010 by Willmaker
Special New Years Bonus
Starting today, the SvenCoop server will have its first "New Year's Bonus Week", where all time spent on the server is multiplied by 4. You read correctly people. Get 4x the time added to your account.
A special event like this doesnt last, and will end 5th January at 11:59pm.
A special event like this doesnt last, and will end 5th January at 11:59pm.
Posted on 29 Dec 2009 by Willmaker
Merry Christmas
All of us here at GargStudios would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. It is a very special time that only comes once a year, so spend some time on one of our servers. <br /><center><br /><img src="images/tree.jpg" alt="Christmas Treet" /><br /></center>
Posted on 25 Dec 2009 by Willmaker
New Kreedz Climbing Beta 4.2 Server
I have decided to replace the Spacebuild server with a Kreedz Climbing Beta 4.2 server to see how it goes, seeing as though we lack Aussie servers for it right now.<br /><br />If you havent downloaded it yet, you can do so for free at <a href=""></a>.
Posted on 22 Dec 2009 by Willmaker
Some changes
Due to the huge resource requirement for Spacebuild 3 servers, and the constant nagging for a sandbox server (not going to mention names ) I will be implementing the following changes:<br /><br />- The Spacebuild 3 server will have its maxplayers reduced from 7 public slots to 4 public slots.<br />- A new Sandbox server will be running alongside the Spacebuild 3 server, with 5 public slots.<br /><br />The reduced playercount in Spacebuild will reduce the chance of crashes due to the insanely large amounts of LUA files to download, and will hopefully reduce lag a bit.<br /><br />If you have any suggestions, just leave them on our forum.
Posted on 27 Mar 2009 by Willmaker
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