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    Sven Coop 3.5 Beta currently in testing
<center><img border="0" alt="Sven Coop 3.5 Bronze" src="" /></center><br /><br />Quoted from the <a href="">Sven Coop forum</a>:<br /><br />We're currently in the process of beta testing v3.5 Bronze. Testing is going well, and the testers have already found a few bugs that were recently squashed. A lot of improvements are still being made, and two rather significant features are nearing completion.<br /><br />Some of the good things about v3.5 Bronze, is that the game is getting a major overhaul in the weapons and balance department. Client-side weapon bugs have been mostly eliminated, firing rates and damage has been tweaked for the weapons (mostly increases across the board), and NPC health and damage values have been re-balanced.<br /><br />Stay tuned for updates within the next few days.
Posted on 12 Jun 2006 by Willmaker       1 Comments

by Queenie @ 13 May 2016 01:43 am
Okay I'm conndvcei. Let's put it to action.
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