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    Garrysmod 10
We have been running a Garrysmod 10 server for the past week, and has been a huge success. So for a while at least gmod 10 will replace SvenCoop.<br />If you havent done so already, you can get a list of mods we use on the server on our forums. Mods include GMOWv3, Gmod 10 Plus Pack, Phoenix Storms premium models, repulsor, gate rings, fade door, codable buttons etc. The list goes on.
Posted on 26 Jan 2007 by Willmaker       4 Comments

by jo3v @ 29 Jan 2007 07:42 am
awesome, keep up the good work :D
by Klayking @ 16 Jul 2007 01:32 pm
Where can I find the repulsor? It doesn&#039;t seem to be on
by Vinny @ 13 May 2016 12:59 am
It's a joy to find sonmeoe who can think like that
by Midge @ 13 May 2016 01:00 am
Heck yeah this is extlcay what I needed.
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